2015 Music & Arts Appreciation Festival Student Art Exhibition

2015 ELGT Music & Art Appreciation Festival Student Art Exhibition

East Liverpool's Got Talent Music & Arts Appreciation Festival
August 14, 15 and 16, 2015
Thompson Park
2626 Parkway Avenue
East Liverpool, Ohio 43920

Inclusion in the student art exhibit is free for all students! Please use the links at the bottom of this page to download the sign-up form and parent permission slip. The permission slip MUST be signed and included with your sign-up form submission if you are under the age of 18. All signed forms can be emailed to Amy Hissom-Daugherty at amy@eastliverpoolsgottalent.com
or snail-mailed to:

East Liverpool's Got Talent
P.O. Box 386
East Liverpool, Ohio

The deadline to sign-up is August 7, 2015.

Please read the following guidlines!


ADULTS AND STUDENTS:  All artworks are required to be original in composition and content and individual expression.  East Liverpool’s Got Talent strictly adheres to the Fair Use and Copyright Law.  No laser photocopied artworks! Artworks must be original. *Students:  All art must be created entirely by the artist.

Offensive Works of Art:  Artworks that include profane references to a deity, obscene language, drug abuse or paraphernalia, images of suicide or criminal violence, suggested or explicit sexuality, full frontal nudity or any subject matter inappropriate for young adults/children, and any content that may offend the moral standards of the community are strictly prohibited.

Artists are to provide their own tent and means to display artwork;   easel, rope, tables, etc.  It is the responsibility of the artist to mat and or frame their visual artworks if they desire to do so. 

Artists must agree to arrive on time for the designated set up time as well as remove tents, tables and other materials used to show artwork at the end of the event at the designated time.  This information can be found on the East Liverpool’s Got Talent website, along with other important information pertaining to the event.   http://www.eastliverpoolsgottalent.com
STUDENTS IN GRADES K-12:  All school age children are required to be accompanied by an adult at all times while their artwork is being shown and or sold.  

Student Sign-Up Form

Student Participation Parent Permission Form