Mike Chronister is an East Liverpool native who returned home in 2005 after a 20 some year hiatus living in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and Sewickley, Pennsylvania. After college, Mike secured a position with the Musicland Group, a nationwide music retail operation that included Sam Goody Music Stores. Starting as a store manager in Monaca Pa, Mike relocated to Ft. Wayne and was soon promoted to a district position managing Sam Goody locations throughout New York and Pennsylvania. As a music lover and amateur musician, Mike states’ working in music stores was absolutely a dream job. Every day was like a kid in a candy store listening to established and breaking artist releases, working with record labels to set up in-store events with national artist and attending private shows with breaking musical acts. Rubbing elbows with the likes of Tony Bennett, Blondie, Marc Anthony, Keith Urban, Bruce Cockburn (An outstanding Canadian singer songwriter) and slews of other top-notch acts was certainly a dream come true for a small town kid from East Liverpool. With the advent music downloading, music stores became obsolete and Musicland shuttered the majority of its locations.
Mike was fortunate to land a Human Resource Manager position with a local landmark Hill International Trucks located in Calcutta. It was during a job interview where Mike met ELGT Executive Director Jeff Daugherty. Not long into the interview Mike and Jeff began to commensurate about their passion for music. Upon his hire with Hill International, Jeff kept Mike informed about ELGT’s progress and eventually invited Mike to attend a board meeting. After meeting with Amy, Jeff, Keith, Penny and Patty it was evident with their passion and energy that together this group can do amazing things. As the newest board member, Mike hopes to make a positive contribution supporting ELGT goals and mission.
Mike’s beautiful wife Lisa is past president of the East Liverpool-Calcutta Garden Club and a Dahlia Society board member. Lisa is also a successful artist whose medium is gourd weaving and painting. Lisa and Mike’s son Spencer is a senior at WVU. Mike holds a Bachelors degree in Business Management and continues his education in business and employment law attending numerous business and employment law seminars.
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