Music Clinics

DC Music and East Liverpool's Got Talent have come together in a joint effort to present a series of clinics to help younger players and possibly give some new ideas to experienced players. The first one will be on November 22, 2014 and feature Jimmy Looman and Keith Williams on rudimentary percussion, the use of rudiments to better your set playing. Jimmy will explain rhythm concepts and the addition of electronic percussion to augment traditional drums. Everyone knows and respects Jimmy's talent and ability. Keith has been fortunate enough to compete in and win drum solo events and is still active in marching percussion with working with East Liverpool High School drum line, as well as teaching privately. Jimmy and Keith hope to present an informative session for the local school students, as well as showing the experienced player how to possibly play outside of the box they're playing in. Please spread the word so we have a good turn out. It will be at DC Music with starting time to be announced. Future clinics will feature guitar/bass workshop. Keyboards traditional and newer electronic. Possibly more if response is favorable. Stay tuned for more info!