Raquel Welsh

Raquel Welsh (aka. Rexie) has earned her Associates Degree in Art in 1997 at The Institute of Pittsburgh, then her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 2013 from Ashford University while double majoring with her Bachelor of Arts in Social Science with Education in 2013. While she attend school she worked no less then 50 hours a week as a manager for a major retial chian. She help raise three children, two of her own and a half brother, when their father pasted. Her passion to learn has drove her to continue her education in the Business field with her Master’s Business Administraion Program (MBA) w/ specialization in non-profits organization from Ashford University. Raquel has achived the Deans list.

Skills List:
More than 15 years’ successful experience in customer service and support with recognized strengths in account maintenance, problem-solving and trouble-shooting, critical thinking and communicational skills. Possess solid computer skills. Excellent working knowledge using Microsoft Excel, Word, Power point. Ability to train, motivates, and supervises employees.A team player, acknowledged as an interpersonal leader, and interpersonal problem solving. Develop plan, conduct audits and variance analyses, process payroll and payroll tax reports and filings, and maintain/update accurate inventories. Possess organization and time management skills. Leadership Management, and People Management, Strong Leadership ability.Organization and Time Management, Communication Skills, Interpersonal Leadership, Interpersonal Problem Solving, Business Planning, Business Culture.

Raquel’s look at the Art’s music is all around us. To look at something and feel your soul the artist has done a wonderful job. Her perspective of Art comes from her inter soul. To feel a piece or see a piece is not the same as to feel what has been done. To look at a rose is just a rose to a person without the perspective of art; she looks at a rose and can see people crying of sorrow and pain or joy and happiness of a love born again. The perspective of a person is what a person sees in the Art of someone else.

“The aim of art is to represent no the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” ~ Aristotle
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything” ~ Plato